SMAQMD Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program Webinar 7/26

Wednesday, July 26 at 10 am

The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (Sac Metro Air District) is receiving a planning grant from the EPA to develop a Priority Climate Action Plan, a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, and a Status Report for the seven-county Sacramento region (El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba). As the lead agency for this regional climate pollution reduction grant opportunity, it is the responsibility of the Sac Metro Air District to coordinate with our jurisdictional partners to not only develop an attainable vision for a low-carbon region, but also prepare for the second phase of this program, where a total of $4.6 billion in competitive grants will be available nationwide to implement greenhouse gas reduction measures from the Priority Climate Action Plan.

Attend this webinar to learn more about the grant program and how you can participate in the planning process. Review the attached Priority Climate Action Plan Roadmap for program details, a timeline, and additional background information on the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program.

Link to Sac Metro Air District CPRG Roadmap (PDF)

Link to Zoom meeting

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