On July 11, 2023, the Sacramento County Planning and Environmental Review staff presented a recommendation to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors to amend the Climate Emergency Resolution to be consistent with the State’s 2045 carbon neutrality goal.
Presentation/Discussion of the Status of the Cosumnes Groundwater Subbasin and Related Matters 6:10 – 7:10 by Austin Miller, Sloughhouse RCD Executive Director
The ECOS Water Committee invites you to join us in a presentation/discussion of the sustainability of the Cosumnes Groundwater Subbasin (CGA). This subbasin is the source of groundwater providing a significant amount of the water used by agriculture, rural residents, and small urban areas in the south county and western portions of Amador County that are located south of the Cosumnes River.
Austin Miller, Executive Director of the Sloughhouse RCD coordinates the management of the subbasin and will present the latest condition of the subbasin as reflected in the annual subbasin sustainability report recently submitted to the state. Austin will also brief us on interactions with the other subbasin GSAs, neighboring subbasins, and the Regional Water Authority on the development of a Regional Water Bank. Finally, Austin will discuss the ability of the Cosumnes Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agencies to implement the Subbasin’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) given the loss of grant funds and other limitations and what is planned to deal with these impediments. The effective implementation of the GSP is made more important given plans by local water purveyors to expand conjunctive use, the Regional Water Authority’s plan to operate a Regional Water Bank in the North and South American Subbasins, and the potential impacts these activities may have on the sustainability of the Cosumnes Subbasin. Bring your questions and be prepared for a thoughtful presentation and discussion.
6:10 Sacramento Metro Air District & Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) is leading a regional effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with a grant from the US EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program (CPRG). Once developed, their regional Climate Action Plan will enable our 7-county region to receive major funding from last year’s federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The goals include reducing vehicle miles traveled as part of SACOG’s “Green Means Go”, promoting energy production and energy efficiency with SMUD, establishing mobility hubs in disadvantaged communities, improving water efficiency, managing forests, and mitigating urban heat islands.
Brianna Moland, SMAQMD’s Climate Coordinator, will discuss some of the suggested GHG reduction measures recommended by CPRG’s steering committee. With an advanced degree in Climate and Society, Brianna advocates for clean air and climate resiliency and works with local agencies to foster new climate solutions. Kacey Lizon, SACOG’s Deputy Executive Director of Planning & Programs, will provide SACOG’s perspective, and participate in the discussion.
SMAQMD will host a webinar on this topic, same day (July 26, 10 AM); details at https://airquality.org
A bit of private outdoor space: It’s essential to living well, and the newly opened Salvator on Arden Way in North Sacramento, provides it.
In this 120-unit community by developer Community Housing Works and Mogavero Architects, the balconies are generous. They will serve as outdoor rooms – places to escape, to think, feel the breeze, and take in a bit of nature.
As Arden Way is on the list for an infrastructure upgrade that will tear up the street, we can hope and advocate for the City to put the driving lanes on a “road diet” so that walkers, cyclists and especially trees can have more of the real estate.
This will give the balconies at the Salvator an even better connection to passers-by, as well as shade from larger trees to filter dust and particulates.
Green Means Go: The infrastructure upgrades along Arden Way are part of the City’s Green Zones. In a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) program called Green Means Go, Green Zones have been identified by each jurisdiction as suitable for infill development, near transit, and in need of infrastructure improvement to enable new development.
The capacity improvements will be made to water, storm, and waste lines to “activate” nearby parcels, meaning, make them ready for a developer to do their work.
Inadequate infrastructure has been identified by SACOG and 26 of the 28 jurisdictions in the region as a major block to the re-development of centers, corridors, and established communities, so needed to accommodate our growing population.