Sac leaders must advance work of Natomas Basin Conservancy, by Brad Branan, May 28, 2023, The Sacramento Bee

Brad Branan is a freelance journalist and photographer who sits on the boards of the Environmental Council of Sacramento and Sierra Club, Sacramento Group, both of which oppose development in the Natomas Basin.

One day, I saw a pair of Osprey build a nest atop a utility pole. Another day, I watched a Great Egret pluck aquatic creatures out of a canal and swallow them like popcorn shrimp. And on yet another day, I saw thousands of Snow Geese fly in unison near Highway 99, creating what looked like a vibrating cloud. The scenes happened on or next to property owned by the Natomas Basin Conservancy, a nonprofit organization that has collected fees from local governments and land donations from developers to protect threatened species since 1997. The Conservancy focuses on 22 plants and animals in the Natomas Basin, an area running from Garden Highway to south Sutter County, and from the Sacramento River to Steelhead Creek. Surveys have found that the Swainson’s Hawk, Giant Garter Snake and other threatened animals have maintained or increased populations during the Conservancy’s tenure. But now the Conservancy’s important work is under threat from three major development proposals

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Grant Opportunity: Del Paso Heights Neighborhood Fund

Grant Opportunity – Applications due Monday, June 19, at 5 p.m.

Del Paso Heights Neighborhood Fund

The Sacramento Region Community Foundation’s Del Paso Heights Neighborhood Fund is now accepting proposals for funding. This grant opportunity was created from one Foundation fundholder’s desire to support organizations providing critical services in Sacramento’s Del Paso Heights neighborhood. We will award grants between $2,500-7,500, with at least $50,000 distributed this year. Visit the Sacramento Region Community Foundation’s website for information and to apply.

ECOS Transportation Team Meeting 6/1

Join us Thursday, June 1, 2023, 6:00 pm, on Zoom!

Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

6:00pm Welcome from Sam Rice, Transportation Team Lead, and Ralph Propper, Climate Committee Chair; and Attendee Introductions

6:10pm I Street Bridge Replacement Project: What this bridge can deliver for Local and Regional Mobility
• Presentation by Greg Taylor from the City of Sacramento

6:40pm Streets for People: Sacramento Active Transportation Plan
• Presentation by Jeff Jelsma from the City of Sacramento

7:10pm Update on 2024 SMART transportation funding measure

7:15pm General Discussion; Announcements; Opportunities for advocacy

7:30pm Adjourn

This meeting is open to everyone interested in addressing one of our region’s most pressing challenges.

Click here for the agenda in PDF.

Help Fight Urban Displacement

Sacramento Investment Without Displacement (SIWD) is a coalition of social justice organizations, neighborhood associations, labor groups, residents, and community partners organized to support building healthy communities and affordable housing, preserving cultural traditions, and the stability of neighborhoods impacted by big developments. ECOS helped start SIWD and continues to support its work.

Our request to you is for you and/or your organization is to sign on to our letter via this link to our Google Form.

SIWD has been working with the City of Sacramento for over two years to draft a citywide Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance (CBAO) to address the negative impacts of large developments on diverse communities going forward.

Since 2022, SIWD and the City have met weekly in an attempt to come to a compromise in developing the ordinance, however, we disagree on some major components included and not included in the City’s draft of the CBAO which was presented on April 18th. The Law & Legislation Committee will review the final and proposed ordinance language at their 1pm May 16th meeting. We want amendments to be made to the City’s ordinance before it comes before the full City Council.

Deadline to sign-on: 11:45AM, Tuesday May 16th, 2023