Our partners with the Sierra Club are working to advance the adoption of four sites in Sacramento County into the Statewide plan for the 30×30 conservation plan. The intent of this plan follows President Biden’s proposal, adopted by Governor Newson for CA, to set aside 30% of open lands for conservation by 2030. The stated goals are to:
- Protect and restore large, intact landscapes and wildlife corridors.
- Support the conservation and stewardship vision and priorities of Tribal Nations.
- Support Climate resilience.
- Conserve more open lands and parks near communities of color and economically disadvantaged communities.
The local sites include the Blue Oak Woodlands in the Southeast portion of the county – affected by rapidly diminishing forest and wetlands due to development, 20 acres on the American River Parkway in Rancho Cordova between River Bend and Gristmill County parks where completion of the parkway trails is needed, the Stone Lakes Wildlife Refuge (one of the most threatened refuges in the nation), and the Natomas Basin where development threatens completion of the existing Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan.”
For more information on how you can help visit the Sierra Club website:×30-campaign