March 2023
Here is a list of regional water issues. Click here to view the responses of the ECOS Water Committee.
Regional Long Term Water Issues
- Regional hydrology
- Regional water supply reliability
- American River health
General Activities of the ECOS Water Committee
- Water Forum participation
- Groundwater sustainability planning
- Folsom Reservoir operations
- Urban Water Management Planning (UWMP)
- Climate Action Planning (CAP)
Near Term Committee Priorities and Issues
- Completing Water Forum 2 negotiations
- Regional water planning and groundwater management coordination
- Local Native Plants as a climate adaptation and water conservation strategy
- Federally Authorized Regional Groundwater Bank development
- Groundwater Sustainability Plan annual reports
- Operations of Folsom Reservoir
- Flood Control and SAFCA’s excess storm water management projects
- Use of the Folsom South Canal for groundwater recharge
- Cosumnes Subbasin overdraft condition
- Looking for multibenefit projects and funding sources to address the Cosumnes Subbasin overdraft condition
- Regional Conjunctive Use
- Monitoring New Water Supply Projects
- Demand Management
- Equitable Rates and Social Justice
- Water Rights Transfers Outside of the Region
- Water Issues Related to Habitat