Urban Design Townhall | Urban Design to Create Resilient Communities 2/22

Stephanie Reich, AIA | Design and Historic Preservation Planner, City of Santa Monica

Kate Collignon | Partner, HR&A Advisors

Egon Terplan | Lecturer in City & Regional Planning, UC Berkeley

Luiz Barata | Senior Planner/Urban Designer, Waterfront Resilience Program, Port of San Francisco

Phoenix Armenta | Senior Manager for Climate Equity and Community Engagement, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

Earn 1.5 LU | HSW for attending [pending approval]

What is the responsibility of the Architect and allied professions in focusing on Resilience and Adaptation to create/enhance Resilient Communities? What is the role of the architect and allied professions in protecting health, safety and welfare?

Climate change renders many areas in California, the country and the world virtually uninhabitable, or at higher and higher risk. In this Urban Design Townhall, made in partnership with the Resilient Design Committee, attendees will learn the importance of incorporating resilience and adaptation into daily practice. This conversation will explore resilience and adaptation in design, such as ethics of rebuilding in hazardous areas, how to prepare for greater density needs due not only to the housing crisis but to inevitable climate migration, and best ways to shift the systems building and regulating construction to a resilience model.

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rfuivrTMuGdRmHleM5OeJ0oJdnOW5arp3

More information and additional resources can be found here: https://aiacalifornia.org/

Saving Sacramento’s Special Places – 3/1 Presentation

Have you ever wondered how local conservancies and trusts protect our region’s important habitats? Join Sacramento Valley Conservancy Acquisition Specialist Steve Schweigerdt to see how it is done and to understand how parallel efforts like 30 x 30 and local habitat conservation plans factor in. Find out about the diverse and important habitats in our region and learn about the many challenges facing local conservation efforts to save them, and understand how these relate to the opportunities available. And finally, find out how you can help save the last great habitats remaining in our region.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 6:00 pm, via Zoom

Link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6656164155
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

ECOS Transportation Team Meeting 3/2

Please Join the ECOS Transportation Team for their March monthly meeting.

Thursday, March 2, 2023, 6-7:30pm

Could the revitalization of Sacramento’s waterfront include passenger ferry service? Join us on March 2nd 2023 for a plan to return river transit to the River City.

Agenda (click for PDF)

Link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6656164155
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

Farm-to-Fork Programs Build Neighbrohood Links

By Gabrielle Myers | January 2023 | Inside Sacramento | Photo by Aniko Kiezel

Check out this article about the community garden Oak Park Sol, and the involvement of longtime ECOS Board Member and Volunteer, Earl Withycombe!

Relationships distinguish the farm-to-fork movement. While farmer-to-chef seems like the obvious partnership, one joy I get from this column is digging beneath the surface to see a myriad other relationships that bring food to our tables and connections to our neighborhoods.

Researching last month’s column on the city’s Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone Program, I met Earl Withycombe, a landowner, community activist and incentive zone pioneer.

He told me how as a landowner he collaborated with city officials to help develop the zone program and work out details so other landowners might benefit.

From https://insidesacramento.com/making-connections/

Click here to read the full article.

ECOS Support for Sacramento Regional Transit’s TIRCP Cycle 6 Grant Application

On February 1, 2023, ECOS submitted a letter of support for Sacramento Regional Transit’s TIRCP Cycle 6 Grant Application.

On behalf of the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) I am pleased to provide this letter in enthusiastic support of Sacramento Regional Transit District’s (SacRT) application for the 2023 Cycle 6 TIRCP Grant for their Increasing Ridership Through System Enhancement (IRTSE) program.

This three-part project will increase ridership, reduce green-house gas emissions, and add light rail service to a new affordable housing project in Sacramento’s River District. Together, these system enhancements are an important step in a series of efforts to modernize the transit system that serves nearly 1.6 million people in California’s Capital County.

Click here to read the letter in full.