ECOS Support for Sacramento Regional Transit’s TIRCP Cycle 6 Grant Application

On February 1, 2023, ECOS submitted a letter of support for Sacramento Regional Transit’s TIRCP Cycle 6 Grant Application.

On behalf of the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) I am pleased to provide this letter in enthusiastic support of Sacramento Regional Transit District’s (SacRT) application for the 2023 Cycle 6 TIRCP Grant for their Increasing Ridership Through System Enhancement (IRTSE) program.

This three-part project will increase ridership, reduce green-house gas emissions, and add light rail service to a new affordable housing project in Sacramento’s River District. Together, these system enhancements are an important step in a series of efforts to modernize the transit system that serves nearly 1.6 million people in California’s Capital County.

Click here to read the letter in full.

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