ECOS Climate Committee Meeting 11/10

Thursday, November 10, 2022, 6 PM

Jennifer Venema, Climate Action Lead, City of Sacramento

Sacramento Climate Adaptation Plan Preliminary Public Review Draft and Building Electrification: New Building Ordinance; Existing Building Strategy

Link to join:

To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

Click here for the agenda.

In 2020, after the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change released its recommendations to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, the Sacramento City Council directed staff to develop an ordinance for electrification of new construction and a strategy for existing building electrification, with a focus on under-resourced communities.

In July, under Jennifer Venema’s leadership, City staff released a draft Climate Action, and now a draft Adaptation Plan. A 2040 General Plan is expected this winter.

Click the links below to learn more about building electrification efforts by the City of Sacramento.

Plus in the meeting we’ll get updates on:

  • Sacramento County Climate Action Plan – Dec. 6 Board of Supervisor Meeting
  • Sacramento County Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force
  • I-80 Causeway Project: Davis/Sacramento

Central City Mobility Project Community Workshop 11/10

The City of Sacramento received funding through an SB1 competitive grant program, which will allow the City to rehabilitate the pavement, extend the protected bikeway network, and add circulation improvements to key corridors.

The project will convert 5th Street (X Street to H Street) from a one-way to a two-way street, and will add bike lanes in both directions.

The project will also extend the protected bikeway network, constructed in 2018, on:

  • 9th Street (Q Street to L Street),
  • 10th Street (Broadway to Q Street),
  • 19th Street (H Street to Broadway),
  • 21st Street (I Street to Broadway),
  • P Street (15th Street to 21st Street), and
  • Q Street (14th Street to 21st Street).

There will be a community meeting to update the community about the project on November 10th from 5:00-6:00pm at the Capitol Events Center on 1021 11th Street.