11:30 – 1:00 pm on Fridays — July 29, August 5, Aug 12
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THIS! Is What We Did is holding a 3-session course for our members and affiliates starting Friday July 29 from 11:30 – 1:00 pm, continuing at the same time on Friday August 5 and 12. There is no charge, and the classes are by zoom.
The name THIS! Is What We Did relates to the idea of what we could say to our grandchildren about what we did to address the climate crisis. ECOS Member Ron Sadler recommends the course: “The communication skills taught are very insightful and effective. The folks who teach the classes are kind, welcoming and knowledgeable on effective conversation skills.”
Jim Thompson, founder of THIS! Is What We Did, says this:
With our country so divided on so many issues, getting meaningful climate legislation enacted is more than challenging. And as we are reminded almost daily, by unprecedented weather events and record-breaking temperatures around the world, we have little time to act. We work with environmental organizations because of our desire to help protect the planet. So, what else can we do?
We need a climate movement large and loud enough to demand of our elected leaders, at all levels of government, to take meaningful climate actions now. The first step in building the movement is having effective conversations with family, friends and colleagues about climate. But as we have all experienced, that isn’t always so easy.
That is where the Effective Climate Communications course comes in. This three-session course that we have arranged for members of Sacramento environmental organizations teaches how to initiate climate conversations to educate and inspire folks into action, without turning them off, and in way that helps build stronger relationships.
We look forward to seeing you on July 29. Meanwhile, test your climate change literacy at https://thisiswhatwedid.org/climate-change-literacy-quiz/