ECOS Letter to City of Sacramento re Youth and Climate

On July 19, 2022, ECOS submitted a letter to the City of Sacramento regarding Agenda Item 26, the Sacramento Children and Youth Health and Safety Act.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment. In the Council’s deliberations on a possible Sacramento Children’s Fund for children and youth, ECOS urges you to consider directly linking youth mental health and climate change in the proposed uses and goals of the Children’s Fund. Within this framework, it would be reasonable to use funding for parks and walks and bikeways to school, in service of a healthy environment, in addition to the social service and career counseling uses noted in the staff report.

Click here to view the letter in PDF.

Effective Climate Communication – A Course

11:30 – 1:00 pm on Fridays — July 29, August 5, Aug 12

Click here to sign up.

THIS! Is What We Did is holding a 3-session course for our members and affiliates starting Friday July 29 from 11:30 – 1:00 pm, continuing at the same time on Friday August 5 and 12. There is no charge, and the classes are by zoom.

The name THIS! Is What We Did relates to the idea of what we could say to our grandchildren about what we did to address the climate crisis. ECOS Member Ron Sadler recommends the course: “The communication skills taught are very insightful and effective. The folks who teach the classes are kind, welcoming and knowledgeable on effective conversation skills.”

Jim Thompson, founder of THIS! Is What We Did, says this:

With our country so divided on so many issues, getting meaningful climate legislation enacted is more than challenging. And as we are reminded almost daily, by unprecedented weather events and record-breaking temperatures around the world, we have little time to act. We work with environmental organizations because of our desire to help protect the planet. So, what else can we do?

We need a climate movement large and loud enough to demand of our elected leaders, at all levels of government, to take meaningful climate actions now. The first step in building the movement is having effective conversations with family, friends and colleagues about climate. But as we have all experienced, that isn’t always so easy.

That is where the Effective Climate Communications course comes in. This three-session course that we have arranged for members of Sacramento environmental organizations teaches how to initiate climate conversations to educate and inspire folks into action, without turning them off, and in way that helps build stronger relationships.

We look forward to seeing you on July 29. Meanwhile, test your climate change literacy at

New building codes include climate change mandates, Sacramento Business Journal, July 17, 2022

Starting in January, most new commercial construction in California will be required to install some solar generation and battery storage, along with heat pump technology, as the state moves toward its zero-carbon goals.

The new 2022 building standards mandate, approved by the California Energy Commission, adds to the renewable solar mandate that went into effect in January 2020 for all new single-family residential construction.

Click here to read the article in full.

Transportation measure comes under fire in some circles, Sacramento Business Journal, July 15, 2022

This fall, Sacramento County voters will weigh in on a sales tax measure with a cornucopia of proposed boosting for local transportation: road fixes, transit improvements and more.

One proposed use of measure proceeds, though, has drawn criticism in some corners, including from a regional transportation planning agency. About 11.5% of all annual tax revenues would be allocated to Caltrans for state highway improvements and to the Capital Southeast Joint Powers Authority for the Capital Southeast Connector project.

To groups like the Environmental Council of Sacramento, the latter project is out of line with smart growth.

“We feel it’s inducing sprawl and vehicle miles traveled,” said Ralph Propper, a past president of ECOS and chair of its climate change committee. “It wouldn’t meet state mandates.”

Click here to read the article in full.

ECOS Comment Letter re CARB Draft 2022 Progress Report, California’s Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act, Jun 2022

On July 14, 2022, ECOS submitted a comment letter regarding the CARB Draft 2022 Progress Report, California’s Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act, dated June 2022.

Below is an excerpt from our letter.

…we ask that CARB collect and analyze information that is more current, and report on
SB 375 progress more frequently, so the public has a better sense of our climate status and jurisdictions can more timely make course corrections.

Based on the current report, we are not on a trajectory to prevent climate change. We urge CARB to
work with the state legislature to implement the recommendations and suggestions [we have out forth in this letter].

Click here to read the letter in full.

Sacramento region secures $50 million for Sacramento Valley Station and Regional Transit improvements, Sacramento City Express, July 12, 2022

The city of Sacramento will see transportation improvements in the coming year after receiving $49.9 million in funding from the California State Transportation Agency’s Transit and Intercity Rail Capitol Program.

The award went to a regional partnership led by Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) and its project partners, the City of Sacramento, Sacramento Regional Transit (SacRT), Downtown Railyard Ventures and Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG).

Click here to read more.