Kassis property along the American River in Rancho Cordova

The Environmental Council of Sacramento, Habitat 2020 and the Sierra Club Sacramento Group submitted a letter regarding the Kassis property along the American River in Rancho Cordova (APN #’s: 075 0450 009 0000 and 075 0450 006 000).

We are contacting your board to alert you to what appears to be ongoing Clean Water Act violations and asking that you monitor the property and ensure that future violations do not occur.

Click here to read the letter in full.

ECOS Water Committee – Future of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, join us on Wed. Jun 22, 2022 at 3:00 pm

Jeffrey Mount is a senior fellow at the PPIC Water Policy Center. He is an emeritus professor of earth and planetary sciences and founding director of the Center for Watershed Sciences at the University of California, Davis. A geomorphologist who specializes in the study of rivers, streams, and wetlands, his research focuses on integrated water resource management, flood management, and improving aquatic ecosystem health. He has served on many state and federal boards and commissions that address water resource management issues in the West. He has published more than a hundred articles, books, and other publications, including the seminal book California Rivers and Streams (UC Press). He holds a PhD and MS in earth sciences from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Dr. Mount has recently authored a paper tracking where the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta’s water goes in our changing environment. He will discuss his finding during the Committee’s June meeting.

Date: June 22, 2022
Time: 3:00 PM
Zoom meeting address: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6656164155
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

Dr. Mount will discuss the issues facing the Delta, and what future actions may be necessary to preserve both its water supplies and environment in our changing world.

The Delta is California’s largest estuary and a vital hub in the State’s water system.
• 40% of the State’s runoff flows into the Delta
• 30 million residents and more than 6 million acres of farmland are supplied water from the Delta
• Water stored in Folsom Reservoir is used to help preserve and maintain water quality in the Delta
• The delta is dramatically different today from what it was 150 years ago.

Today, three interlinking issues face the Delta.
• An increasingly unreliable water supply
• A decline in ecosystem health
• A fragile system of levees

The Delta’s future is uncertain.
• The Delta tunnel conveyance project
• Climate change impacts on the Delta proper and Upstream water sources
• Addressing saltwater intrusion and the Delta ecosystems
• Maintenance and repair of the levee system

Come and join us for an enlightening and thoughtful discussion.

You’re Invited: CARB Scoping Plan Mobilization in Sacramento 6/23

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) just released its draft 2022 Scoping Plan, a blueprint for California’s climate policy for the next 20 years. The draft plan is a huge step backward for California, doubling down on fossil fuel infrastructure at a time when we need to be phasing out fossil fuels. CARB are planning for a massive expansion of dirty gas-fired power plants and paving the way for billions in public subsidies for risky, ineffective carbon capture and storage machinery that extends the life of oil refineries.

On June 23 at 9am, CARB will be meeting to discuss this year’s Scoping Plan. We need a strong showing of community support to show CARB that Californians are standing up for clean air, clean and reliable transportation for all, and a future beyond oil and gas.

At the rally, speakers from the California Environmental Justice Alliance and Regenerate California will be calling for the following demands to be in the Scoping Plan:

  • No Fossil Fuels: Phase Out Oil Drilling and Refining
  • Clean Our Power Sector: No New Gas Plants
  • Clean, healthy transportation for all
  • Electrify all buildings
  • No Climate Dead Ends – Stop Over-Relying on CCS and Hydrogen

Use the form on this page to sign up and we’ll follow up instructions on how to join!

Can’t make it in-person on June 23rd? Sign up for more action-taking opportunities and to watch the rally virtually.

Comment period extended: Draft 2022 Progress Report on California’s Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act is now available for public review and comment through July 14, 2022

California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff released a draft report and associated data dashboard on implementation of California’s Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act (Senate Bill 375) for public review and comment on June 7, 2022.

The public comment period on the draft report and associated data dashboard has been extended and staff will now be accepting comments through July 14, 2022.

Please submit your comments and any questions on the document and/or data to sustainablecommunities[at]arb[dot]ca[dot]gov.

Download Draft Report Here

Home Energy Savings Expo plus Electric Vehicle Ride and Drive, June 25

June 25, 2022 — 10:00am to 4:00pm
The Center at District56, 8230 Civic Center Drive

  • Learn how to save money and reduce emissions!
  • Kid activities
  • Experts talk about sustainable landscaping
  • Test drive and receive a free lunch voucher
  • Information on:
    • Financing options
    • Induction stoves
    • The benefits of trees and the Free Shade Tree program
    • Sustainable landscaping
    • Solar installation and battery storage
    • Whole house fans
    • Energy efficient appliances

More details at https://www.elkgrovecity.org/visitors/things_to_do/special_events/home_energy_savings_expo

An evening with Charles Marohn, founder & author of Strong Towns – Thursday, June 16

An event for Sac Valley Section APA members and the Sacramento area community!

Strong Towns is a nonprofit advocating for a new way to think about how our cities are built. The movement’s founder and author of Strong Town series, Charles Marohn, joins us in Sacramento on June 16 to discuss key ideas in his new book, Confessions of a Recovering Engineer, and Strong Towns’ vision for financially resilient transportation systems.

You won’t want to miss this! Learn how the values of engineers and other transportation professionals are applied in the design process, and how those priorities differ from the values of the general public. Marohn will reveal how the standard approach to issues like fighting congestion, addressing speeding, and designing intersections only makes transportation problems worse, at great cost in terms of both safety and resources.

This event provides 1 CM credit: https://bit.ly/3t41iyw

Event Details

Thursday, June 16, 2022, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: Citrus Heights Community Center, 6300 Fountain Square Drive, Citrus Heights, CA 95620

Light refreshments will be provided.

Cost: $10 per person – All proceeds from tickets will be donated to SVS and local partner scholarship programs.

Register today: https://bit.ly/3LNM7jj

Chuck Morohn will also be speaking that morning at the SACOG Board meeting https://sacog.primegov.com/Portal/Meeting?compiledMeetingDocumentFileId=5424 during Item 14 – Workshop: https://sacog.primegov.com/meetings/ItemWithTemplateType?id=2275&meetingTemplateType=2 and https://sacog.primegov.com/portal/item?id=2275