California Energy Commission Opportunities


The California Energy Commission has two great opportunities for individuals looking to engage with their communities:

1. If you’re interested in advancing energy equity and environmental justice, please consider joining the Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group (DACAG)!

a. The DACAG was created by Senate Bill 350 and is the principal advisory body for the CEC and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and advises the agencies regarding the development, implementation, and impacts of clean energy and transportation programs in disadvantaged communities.

b. More information about the DACAG and how to join can be found in the attached PDF titled, “DACAG Solicitation 20220411,” or on the CPUC’s DACAG webpage and the CEC’s DACAG webpage.

2. If you’re interested in transportation efforts, please consider joining the CEC’s Clean Transportation Program (CTP) Advisory Committee!

a. CTP Advisory Committee Members will provide input on the development of the Clean Transportation Program Investment Plan, which establishes program priorities and funding allocations.

b. More information on how to join the Advisory Committee can be found in this PDF titled, “Notice of Opportunity to Serve on the Investment Plan Advisory Committee of the Clean Transportation Program”

Office of the Public Advisor, Energy Equity, and Tribal Affairs
California Energy Commission
Office: (916) 957-7910
Email: publicadvisor[at]energy[dot]ca[dot]gov

California Energy Commission
715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

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