Ready, Set, Trails!, SACOG, May 23, 2022

May 23, 2022


Imagine over 1,000 miles of trails connecting you to the region’s favorite destinations. Pretty cool, right?

The Sacramento Regional Trail Network will spark a new wave of walking, biking, and rolling to daily destinations throughout the region. Imagine a network of trails that makes it easy for families to ride to their favorite park, provides a safe route for children to get to school, and offers a simple way for residents to explore new corners of their neighborhoods and cities.

The network envisions reliable routes to the best places around the region for all ages, and abilities.

Click here to learn more:

Sacramento’s Air Quality: A Passing Grade, Alberto Ayala LTE SacBee, May 22, 2022

Post:     Sacramento Bee, Letters to the Editor, May 22, 2022


RE: “Sacramento among California cities with filthiest air in the US, new study says. What to know,” (, April 22)

The American Lung Association’s “State of the Air 2022” report does not specify that extreme but short-term impacts from wildfires cause high readings, resulting in a misleading picture of Sacramento’s air quality. Air quality and public health are absolutely impacted by wildfires, but to assign an “F” grade without naming the reason unnecessarily undermines public confidence and denies true progress tackling air and climate pollution. Thanks to innovative initiatives by the Sac Metro Air District and our regional partners and stringent rules and regulations, air quality in Sacramento (minus wildfires) has improved significantly over the past several decades and will continue to improve. Our region has made great strides in moving toward meeting strict health-based ambient air quality standards. That is no small feat for the public and private sectors and certainly worth a passing grade.

Dr. Alberto Ayala, Sacramento

UC Davis Transit Research Symposium

The newly-launched UC Davis Transit Research Center is hosting a Transit Research Symposium on May 25 at The UC Davis International Center!

This event will showcase research underway at UC Davis exploring how transit agencies are adopting emerging technologies, the relationship between public transit and shared-use mobility, how COVID-19 has affected transit use and transit agencies, and how land use and other factors contribute to transit use.

The inaugural Transit Research Symposium will advance the dialogue between the UC Davis Transit Research Center public transit stakeholders, practitioners, policy makers, and others. And, by highlighting key policy relevant research outcomes and connecting researchers with policy makers, this event will help inform future work of the growing Transit Research Center.

This study was made possible with funding received by the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies from the State of California through the Public Transportation Account and the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Senate Bill 1). This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the State of California in the interest of information exchange and does not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the State of California.

For more information, and to register, please visit:

For registration and scholarship questions please contact Conference and Outreach Assistant, Cristina Etcheverry at cfetcheverry[at]ucdavis[dot]edu.