Big Day of Giving 2022

ECOS: Through education, advocacy, and litigation, we seek to help the Sacramento region meet its climate goals and shift its land use and transportation patterns to create a transit-connected network of sustainable, sociable, affordable, and equitable communities.

The Environmental Council of Sacramento is a powerful advocacy organization in the Sacramento region for over 50 years, arguing for transit-oriented development and against greenfield sprawl, to protect our habitat, and clean up our air. With the climate crisis growing and affordable housing a critical need, our advocacy efforts are needed more than ever. Please donate and join. Make a difference with us!

Can we count on you?

Big Day of Giving, the Sacramento region’s largest annual event to support the causes we care most about, is on now. Between now and May 5, please give to ECOS.

Big Day of Giving helps non-profits like ECOS raise much needed funds — mostly in small gifts — proving that when we all give a little, we can make a big difference.

For as little as $40, you can help us reach our fundraising goal of $10,000 which will allow us to continue studying and taking positions on regional and local issues — climate change, land use, transportation, green building, habitat, and water. Also, your gift will help ECOS build its next generation of leaders – we seek young people who recognize the dangers of climate change and want to do something about it.

Make a gift today or mark your calendar for Thursday, May 5 to be a part of this historic day of philanthropy.

Check out some of our activities

  • ECOS Orientation via Zoom on May 5 at 6 pm; contact office[at]sacramento[dot]net
  • Sacramento Earth Day on April 24 –
  • SacCounty District 5 Candidate Forum on April 26 –
  • Climate Action materials and Committee Chair Ralph Propper rpropper47[at]icloud[dot]com
  • Field trips – salmon spawning habitat in American River; sandhill cranes at Woodbridge Ecological Reserve in Oct 2021 and Jan 2022.


Environmentalists’ Spring Social 4/30

Join us for an Environmentalists’ Spring Social!
Sierra Club Sacramento, Environmental Council of Sacramento, and the Sacramento Climate Coalition invite you to our Spring Social. This is an opportunity to reconnect with friends from many environmental groups. Join us for drinks and hors d’oeuvres on the patio! Lisa Phenix will perform with Tony Bowler. Plus Silent Auction of wine, artworks, etc.
DATE: Saturday, April 30 from 2:00 – 4:30 pm
LOCATION: Sierra 2 Center, 2791 24th Street, Sacramento, CA 95818
COVID: please bring your vaccination ID and your mask for indoors.
DONATION: $5 min. requested at the door to help us cover costs.

Register at:
Facebook Event:

A deep dive on the health impacts of air pollution

This blog takes a deep dive into the vast array of impacts that air pollution has on human health, exploring how poor air quality affects nearly every area of the human body — from head to toe. Research shows that air pollution is a major environmental risk factor for a slew of diseases, from Alzheimer’s disease to lung cancer to osteoporosis, and can significantly lower lifespan and quality of life. Air pollution accounts for extensive damages to public health, as well as vast economic losses due to healthcare costs and lost school and workdays. While air pollution exposure can impact everyone, its damage is not distributed equally. Children, elderly individuals, those with pre-existing conditions, and those living in low socioeconomic neighborhoods or environmental justice communities bear a disproportionate burden of its impacts — emphasizing the need to protect vulnerable populations by taking better care of our air quality.

Click here to view the article.