Help Us Make Climate Change a Priority

January 11, 2022

Congresswoman Doris Matsui is asking constituents what their priority issue is. The survey is only one question. Let’s make climate change her number one issue!

If you live in Matsui’s district, please complete the survey and share it with others in the district.

Click here to take the survey.

New Federal Leadership on Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAs)

January 5, 2022

This week, FTA and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued updated Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAs). In the letter announcing the revised PEAs, FTA Administrator Nuria Fernandez and the FHWA Deputy Administrator Stephanie Pollack are asking FTA and FHWA field offices to work with their metropolitan planning organizations, state Departments of Transportation, transit agencies, and federal land management agencies to incorporate these PEAs into their Unified Planning Work Programs and State Planning and Research Work Programs.

Several of these emphasis areas focus on the Biden-Harris Administration’s goals of advancing equity and environmental justice in transportation planning, which will help achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals and increase resilience to extreme weather events resulting from climate change. These efforts will better support regional and local governments as they plan for future transportation needs in their communities. There is considerable flexibility in how metropolitan planning organizations and State DOTs can incorporate the PEAs into the transportation planning process. Recognizing the variability and timing of transportation planning processes, FTA and FHWA encourage these PEAs to be incorporated as programs are updated.

ECOS Letter re Innovation Park and CNU Medical Center Project DEIR, Jan 3, 2022

On January 3, 2022, ECOS submitted comments on the Innovation Park and CNU Medical Center Project DEIR.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this major project in North Natomas. We are pleased to see the reuse of the Arco Arena site. A hospital would address a long standing problem of having no hospital and few medical services north of the river in the City limits. All 24-hour emergency rooms are over 25 minutes away from residents of Natomas and North Sacramento. The land use designations are acceptable but more detail will be needed to fully understand the impacts given the wide range of densities that are allowed by the city. Impacts could vary significantly in terms of traffic, schools, parks and others. Further, it is still unclear what kind of “innovation” is anticipated in the area identified as Innovation Park.

Click here to read the letter in full.

Letter re Curtis Park Village Fuel Center

On December 31, 2021, the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) submitted a letter to the City of Sacramento recommending the City Council deny an application for a gas station, aka a fuel center, in Curtis Park.

Gas stations are major emitters of benzene, a potent carcinogen. Even though the applicant moved the planned location to be further from residences, exposure to benzene will harm the health of those who work there, and of those who frequent the area. Also, the gas station will emit volatile organic compounds, which lead to ozone. Based on our climate and topography, Sacramento’s potential for high ozone is the highest in the nation, and we are already in the “top 10” for unhealthy ozone levels.

Click here to read the letter in full.