City Council Hearing tomorrow Jan. 18, 2022 at 5 pm

Gas Station: 16-pump fuel center in Crocker Village

Come to the meeting. For background, see ECOS’ letter to the City.

In 2015, the Council denied the permit on a 7-2 vote. The Planning Staff are again recommending Approval based on the 2015 assessment.

This is a zoom council meeting. You can still comment by eComment and provide comments during the hearing by phone. Here is how you can do it —

  1. Send an eComment to the Council. The City counts comments and provides council members with a red and green pie chart showing numbers of opposed and support comments. A comment that simply says something like “I am opposed to a fuel center in Crocker Village” will be counted, but please add detail as desired. Click here for the city’s comment portal.
  1. Log in at 5PM on the 18th (click on “Join this meeting” link below), raise your hand* using the Zoom “raise hand” function when Item 16 is opened for public comment and you will be placed in line to comment. The clerk will call on you. You will not be on camera. Give up to 2 minutes (or less) in verbal comment. It is the second discussion item

Join this meeting via Zoom:

Webinar ID: 983 1698 1872 Passcode: 802467
Dial in via telephone: 888 788 0099 (Toll Free) – Meeting ID: 983 1698 1872 # #

PLEASE share this with others!

Support for Proposed Rate Adjustment for Food and Garden/Yard Waste Collection

On January 17, 2022, ECOS submitted a letter to the City of Sacramento in support of a Proposed Rate Adjustment for Food and Garden/Yard Waste Collection.

Below is an excerpt.

Based on statewide statistics, organic materials are the most prevalent item in the waste disposal stream. A third of the material going to landfills is readily compostable. To meet the state’s goal for 75 percent recycling, and to meet targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction, particularly methane emissions reduction, we support the City’s plan to change its collection rates. However, we request that the City clarify how it plans to implement SB1383 for single-unit and multifamily unit dwellings and commercial/industrial enterprises.

Click here to read the letter in full.

ECOS EVENT — Our Region: Changes in Patterns of Development Since the Blueprint, and What’s Ahead

Jan. 25, 2022, 6:00 pm


  • MIKE MCKEEVER, Former SACOG Executive Director and Chief of Staff to Mayor Steinberg
  • HEATHER FARGO, Former City of Sacramento Mayor and former (and again!) ECOS board member
  • LEIGHANN MOFFITT, Planning Director, County of Sacramento (retiring Jan 21 before our meeting)

We think this topic is timely and of interest to many, and a good discussion as it will help ECOS to focus its efforts in 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Link to join: ECOS ZOOM #1
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

Click here to view the agenda.

ECOS FIELD TRIP — ECOS’ Sandhill Crane Tour 1/21

Please sign up to attend ECOS’ Sandhill Crane Tour, volunteer field trip, on Friday, January 21.

We’ll meet Mike Savino, our tour lead from Save our Sandhill Cranes, and check in with him at:

Woodbridge Ecological Reserve (AKA Isenberg Crane Reserve), 11154 W. Woodbridge Rd, Lodi
Please print a parking permit for your car, by clicking here. If you cannot print one, that’s OK, you will be covered by another person having one.

Mike will talk about crane biology, behavior, and conservation status. We will then drive to a viewing site for sandhill cranes. Bring your binoculars, dress with layers for the evening, and wear an N95 mask for Covid (we’ll have N95 masks for whoever needs one). ECOS members Tina Suarez-Murias and Rob Burness plan to be with us to add to the discussion.

4:10 pm arrival at site
4:25 pm tour start
~5:50 pm wrap-up and depart

Directions from Sacramento (allow 40 minutes from downtown Sacramento to Crane Reserve):
• Take I-5 south, exit at Peltier Road. Turn left to go under I-5, and turn right (south) at the frontage road (Thornton Road). After 2 miles, turn right (west) at Woodbridge Road (see sign “Phil & Marilyn Isenberg Sandhill Crane Reserve”). Continue 2.5 miles to a pullout on left side. This is the Reserve’s South unit, where our tour will begin.

Climate Change Committee – 1st meeting 1/13

Join us for the first meeting of ECOS’ new Climate Change Committee!

Thursday, January 13, 2022, 6:00pm, Link to join:, To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

Click here for the agenda.

ECOS has re-organized, and our new Climate Change Committee will have broad responsibilities including those of the old TAQCC and Land Use Committees. It will be divided into four teams, with these designated team chairs:
– Transportation, John Deeter
– Land Use, Jon Ellison
– Green Buildings, Mai-Lin Chang
– Environmental Justice, TBD

This new structure is intended to facilitate coordination on issues of common interest to the individual teams, particularly those issues involving climate change. At our first meeting, we will begin to plan activities for the year, and establish the scope of the teams and how often they should meet. There are a large number of issues we expect to work on (see list below); most of which impact some aspect of climate change, and many involving more than one team.

Please come to the meeting on Thursday and help us plan our activities for 2022!

Ralph Propper, ECOS past-president; and chair, ECOS’ Climate Change Committee

Here are some issues that we hope to influence in the coming months; we hope you may comment on them, and add to them:

  • Sacramento County Climate Action Plan, next final draft expected in February; followed by Board of Supervisors workshop and consideration of Climate Emergency Declaration Task Force nominees
  • Sacramento City Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, draft expected in March with General Plan Update
  • Sacramento City Transportation Priorities Plan workshop 2 PM, January 25
  • Sacramento County sales tax, “Citizens Group” language expected for signature gathering soon, for November ballot (Measure A redux?) and SouthEast Connector
  • Caltrans plans to widen I-80 causeway between Davis and West Sacramento; and CapCity (Business 80) Freeway between midtown and Arden Way
  • Development plans in Sacramento County: Upper West Side, Grand Park, Jackson Township, Airport South, CNU Hospital in North Natomas, …
  • Sacramento City’s building electrification ordinance, and retrofit work plan; urge adoption by County as an Early Action measure
  • Sacramento Investment Without Displacement’s plans for a model Community Benefits Agreement ordinance, Enhanced Infrastructure Finance Plan for Stockton Blvd
  • Air Monitoring in Disadvantaged Communities – status report and plans
  • Other topics of interest to YOU!