Donate Starting on Earth Day!

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ECOS supports reduced driving through transit-oriented housing, energy efficiency, vehicle and building electrification, and renewable energy.

Support ECOS in this work by donating on Big Day of Giving 2021, now starting on Earth Day!

That’s right, you can contribute to our Big Day of Giving campaign any time between April 22nd – May 6th!

Here is the link to donate:

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Press release re American River bridge lawsuit by ECOS

April 6, 2021

On March 29, 2021, the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) filed a Petition for Writ of Mandate with the Sacramento County Superior Court challenging Caltrans’ approval of the Initial Study/Environmental Assessment with a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for a project to widen the Capital City Freeway (SR 51) bridge over the American River.

The IS/MND does not provide adequate environmental review under CEQA, in that it fails to provide an adequate project description and piecemeals environmental review of further planned widening of SR 51. Furthermore, this project may have significant impacts to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and climate change. ECOS seeks a determination from the Superior Court that Caltrans’ approval of the project is invalid and void and that the Mitigated Negative Declaration fails to satisfy the requirements of CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, California Code of Regulations, section 15000 et seq.).

Since 1966, the bridge has had three lanes in each direction…. [read more]

Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels

Stockton Blvd Corridor Study: ECOS Comments

On April 3, 2021, the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) sent our comments on the Stockton Blvd Corridor Study Draft Final Report to Sacramento City Councilmembers.

Below is an excerpt from our letter.

ECOS submits this letter during the public comment period through April 4 for the subject report. We would like to express our support for the Stockton Boulevard Corridor Study.1 We appreciate the City’s focus on reallocating the Stockton Boulevard street space for walkers, bikers, transit riders, and motor vehicle drivers, as Stockton is a major arterial with a number of regional employment centers. The proposed streetscape changes will improve conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists, increase safety and mobility, and set the stage for infill development. Infill development along a major transit line is an important strategy to increase the region’s supply of affordable housing and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Click here to read the letter in full.