Sacramento Slow Streets

The City of Sacramento is implementing a pilot program, called “Slow & Active Streets,” to promote more bicycle and pedestrian use of neighborhood streets by restricting through vehicular travel. The pilot project ends April 30th, 2021 – when it’s barely gotten started.

If you agree that it should continue (and we do!), please send your comment(s) to the City.

Comment now

We hope the success of this slow streets pilot will encourage the City to start “slow streets” in other neighborhoods.

Learn more about it on the City of Sacramento’s website.

There was recently an article in the Sacramento City Express about it. Click here to read the article

Here is a map. 

Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness

February 11, 2021

As we know, many people are suffering unsheltered this winter in Sacramento. The Environmental Council of Sacramento wants to share these resources with anyone in need. Please repost these vital resources and help reduce homelessness this winter. These locations also take volunteers and monetary donations.

Donations needed

Authorization warming centers for those experiencing homelessness

Assistance for hotel vouchers in Sacramento County

Photo by Seven 7 from Pexels

Elk Grove CNU Hospital Vote: February 18, 2021

Posted February 11, 2021

The California Northstate University Hospital/Wet Lab project is going for a recommendation at the Planning Commission meeting on February 18, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. 

Are you worried about the impacts the CNU Wetlab/Hospital Project would have on our community and surrounding wildlife?
➡️ Contact the City of Elk Grove Planning Commission. Voice your concerns about the project to City Planning officials, using the prefilled email on the Responsible Elk Grove website.
➡️ Sign up for email updates at
➡️ Engage and share the updates on our Facebook page.
Learn more at

We need folks to submit comments about this poorly planned hospital development. To learn more about our concerns, click here.

The Kassis Property: one of the city’s last pieces of open space

By Scott Thomas Anderson | January 27, 2021 | Sacramento News and Review

The Kassis property includes 40.7 acres that form an alluvial terrace on its upper plateau, and a lower basin that stretches along the river in the 100-year floodplain. There are 335 trees in the formations, split by a grassy, 30-foot-high bluff at the edge of a quiet neighborhood. For years, the property was owned by John P. Kassis. After his death, its title transferred to members of his family.

“Concerns about this project? Where to start?” said Ralph Propper, president of the Environmental Council of Sacramento. “We’re very concerned about protecting the last significant open space along the American River.”

Click here to read the article in full

Click here to learn more about the property.

Where is the Kassis Property?

Here is a map showing exactly where the property is.