Sacramento moves forward with zoning change

January 19, 2021 | By Theresa Clift | The Sacramento Bee

Good news!

The Sacramento City Council took a step Tuesday toward becoming one of the first cities in the country to eliminate traditional single-family zoning.

The change, for which the council unanimously signaled support, would allow houses across the city to contain up to four dwelling units. City officials said the proposal would help the city alleviate its housing crisis, as well as achieve equity goals, by making neighborhoods with high-performing schools, pristine parks and other amenities accessible for families who cannot afford the rising price tags to buy homes there.

Click here to read the full article.

Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels

City of Sacramento General Plan

January 19, 2021

Board President of the Environmental Council of Sacramento, Ralph Propper, submitted the following comments to the City of Sacramento regarding agenda item 15 at their January 19 meeting: 2040 General Plan Update – Draft Land Use Map, Proposed Roadway Changes, and other Key Strategies. Comments are as follows.

The Environmental Council of Sacramento urges prompt action to implement the recommendations of the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change into the city’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. Our Climate Action goals can only be reached by encouraging transit-oriented, infill development. Therefore, ECOS supports the proposal to allow duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes in Single Family zones, which will permit a greater array of housing options in existing single-unit neighborhoods.

– Ralph Propper, ECOS President

Photo by Kamaji Ogino from Pexels

ECOS Comments on Sac County CAP

January 19, 2021

What do we mean, “CAP?”

Why, the Climate Action Plan, of course!

The County of Sacramento is currently working on their Climate Action Plan (CAP). On January 19, ECOS submitted our input on the plan.

Click here to read our letter.

The Plan

Learn more about the Sacramento County Climate Action Plan on the County’s website.

What’s a CAP though?

Climate action plans are comprehensive roadmaps that outline the specific activities that an agency will undertake to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Climate action plans build upon the information gathered by greenhouse gas inventories and generally focus on those activities that can achieve the relatively greatest emission reductions in the most cost effective manner.

The Institute for Local Government

Student Environmental Activist Training

From our partners at 350 Sacramento…

Attention Middle and High Schoolers!

In late January 2021, 350 Sacramento will host a FREE 10-week online after-school Student Environmental Activist Training (SEAT) program open to any and all middle and high school students in the Sacramento area. Each week will include 2 modules, plus a third optional day with speakers, discussions, films, or other activities. Click here to learn more.

Sac/Davis Bicycle Film Festival

Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA) and BikeDavis are teaming up to host the Sac/Davis Bicycle Film Festival, from Feb 5 – 14. This will be a ‘virtual’ festival where people can stream a 1-hour, 45-min selection of short films from the comfort of their homes.

This year is the 20th edition of the Bicycle Film Festival. The program features short films from around the world that celebrate the bicycle culture in all its forms, and get people excited to ride their bikes, whether for exercise, recreation, transportation or adventures. You can watch the trailer here to get a sense. This upbeat program is just the kind of “pick-me-up” that people need to cheer up and go for a ride in these challenging times.

Some of the proceeds from the ticket sales will go to fund SABA’s advocacy work.