Environmental meeting for controversial proposed Elk Grove hospital draws dozens of questions, concerns

June 24, 2019
Elk Grove News.net

“A so-called scoping meeting covering the environmental impact report (EIR) for a proposed hospital was held tonight in Elk Grove.

That facility, a 400-bed $750 million trauma level II hospital proposed by the for-profit California Northstate University will be located in Elk Grove’s master-planned Stonelakes neighborhood. Since its introduction last December, the project has become a source of contention for many Elk Grove residents.

The purpose of Monday’s meeting was for the city of Elk Grove and an environmental consultant to explain the process for the EIR for the CNU hospital. That report is expected to be completed, certified in about one year and the Elk Grove City Council is anticipated to approve CNU’s project.”

“Another question the representatives did not answer was about changing the designation of the flood plain area where the proposed hospital lies. Elk Grove resident Lynn Wheat noted there was a discussion of changing the flood area in the city’s 2020 budget – a financial document – suggesting taxpayers may pay for the change in the designation for the benefit of CNU.”

There are other major issues involved with planning a level 2 trauma center in a major 200-year floodplain. For more, read here.

Read the full article at http://www.elkgrovenews.net/2019/06/environmental-meeting-for-controversial.html?m=0.

Posted in News.