On September 13, 2018, ECOS and other groups submitted a joint letter to the Sacramento Transit Authority regarding transportation needs & funding in the Sacramento region. Below is an excerpt from the letter.
Breathe California Sacramento Region (BCSR), Cien Amigos, Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS), Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA), Sacramento Housing Alliance (SHA), Sacramento Transit Advocates and Riders (STAR), Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter and WALKSacramento are pleased to jointly share our perspectives on local transportation needs and funding.
Collectively, our missions stand for the advancement of health, access, equity, justice and environmental stewardship through investments in the built environment. We work closely in partnership with agencies and communities throughout the Sacramento region on issues related to transportation, land use, housing, and the environment, representing a wide-reaching constituency of some of Sacramento’s most engaged voters.
As the Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA) begins to consider how to fund countywide transportation priorities, we’re pleased to know that Measure M approved by Los Angeles County voters in 2016 is a consensus model for a successful funding measure for Sacramento County. Our organizations comprise a working group committed to ensuring that Sacramento County’s next transportation sales tax measure benefits from the lessons learned from Measure M. We commend STA for recognizing the value of Measure M as a model and commit to working with STA to follow the successful approach used by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) in crafting and winning passage of Measure M.