How to Be an Environmental Justice Ally Workshop

How to be an Environmental Justice (“EJ”) Ally is a workshop designed to give people tools to create environments that foster inclusivity. This workshop is for environmental advocates interested in doing intentional environmental justice work. The ideal audience is people that need tools to promote diversity and inclusion in their organization. Although the workshop is centered around environmental justice all advocates are welcome.

This three-part workshop will be held in the Breath California Conference Room, 909 12th St, Sacramento, CA 95814. There will be a reception at 6-6:30 prior to each event. We’d like you to attend all three, but it is not required. This event is free but there is a suggested donation of $10 to help cover food and supplies.

Thursday, September 27 at 6-8pm: Talking About Race

Thursday, October 25, 6-8pm: Ending Colorblindness

Thursday, November 29, 6-8pm: Creating Inclusive Organizations

Register Here

For more information contact Nailah Pope Harden, 916-519-4243 or at nailahph[at]gmail[dot]com.

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