Board Meeting March 27 – All are Welcome!

How well do YOU know the history of the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS)? We have been working on environmental issues in the Sacramento region since the early 1970s. At our March board meeting, we will be joined by some of the key players in ECOS in the 1980s, including Mayor Heather Fargo, Mike Eaton and Jude Lamare.

Join the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) for our March 2018 ECOS Board Meeting! Everyone who is interested is welcome. Bring a friend!

Tuesday, March 27th, 2018

NOTE: Location change – we will still have the meeting at 909 12th Street, Sacramento, CA but it will be in the Breathe CA conference room on the first floor of the building, rather than the Sierra Club conference room on the second floor.

5:30 pm Reception
Please come and meet and socialize with ECOS Board Members and guests. Light appetizers and refreshments served. Feel free to bring something to share.

6:00 pm Meeting Begins

“Looking Back, Looking Forward: A Conversation with ECOS leaders from the 1980s”
Jude Lamare, Mike Eaton, Heather Fargo
(20 minutes) 
Discussion/Question and Answer session (15 minutes)

As usual, ECOS Committees will report on their current business. Announcements from members and attendees are welcome at the end, as time allows.

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