What is the South Sac Habitat Conservation Plan?
Comments from ECOS
September 5, 2017
Attention: Rich Radmacher, Senior Planner
Sacramento County Planning Department
827 7th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Delivered via email to: radmacherr[at]saccounty[dot]net
These comments on the public draft of the South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan are presented on behalf of the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS), Habitat 2020, the Sierra Club, the Institute for Ecological Health, and Save Our Sandhill Cranes.
Issues addressed by these comments include:
- long-term sustainability of vernal pool resources in our region
- agricultural-residential development
- effects of pesticide use on agricultural preserve lands
- effects of artifical lighting on species covered by the plan, as well as the insect prey of those species
- effects of rodenticides on various species
- better monitoring of how species are doing
- avoidance and minimization measures
- available inventory (in acres) remaining for each cover type/habitat type in the Plan Area
- the regular review of relevant new scientific studies and reports for applicability in Preserve management
Animals of special concern include:
- various local species of raptors (birds of prey) including the Burrowing Owl, the White Tailed Kite and the Swainson’s Hawk
- the American Badger
- the Loggerhead Shrike (a “songbird with a raptor’s habits”)
- the Greater Sandhill Crane (which has one of the longest fossil histories of any bird still in existence)
- the Tricolored Blackbird
- the Western Red Bat
Read Our Comments
Click here to read the full comment letter.
Corresponding Addendum to our letter:
More Resources
Click here to learn more about the South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan