Join Us for our Sept. 18 Board Meeting

Join the Environmental Council of Sacramento – ECOS for our September ECOS Board Meeting! Everyone who is interested is welcome. Bring a friend!
Monday, September 18, 2017, at Location: SEIU Local 1000, 1325 S St, Sacramento, CA 95811
5:30 pm Reception – Please come and meet and socialize with ECOS Board Members and guests. Light appetizers and refreshments served. Feel free to bring something to share.
6:00 pm Meeting Begins
Keynote Speaker: Jonathan K. London
Associate Professor: Human Ecology/ Community and Regional Development
Chair: Community Development Graduate Group
Faculty Director: UC Davis Center for Regional Change
Professor London will speak about the Center for Regional Change’s work on Environmental Justice. The Center for Regional Change has grown into a well-known policy-oriented research organization that aims to create linkages between the university and the region of which it is a part.
For more about Professor London and the Center:
Twitter: @jklondon_ucd
As usual, ECOS Committees will report on their current business. Announcements from members and attendees are welcome at the end, as time allows.