There is a lot of bad news for our planet from the new administration this week. An EPA blackout, scientist lockdown and keystone pipeline revival. ECOS will continue to work towards regional sustainability in the face of this adversity. Get involved today.
Monthly Archives: January 2017
Sacramento County OKs birds, bees and farm stands with urban ag ordinance
January 24th, 2017
By Robin Opsahl
The Sacramento Bee
Residents of urban and suburban Sacramento County will be able to legally grow and sell crops, keep bees, and raise chickens and ducks at home under an urban agriculture ordinance that county supervisors unanimously passed Tuesday.
Proponents say the new legal framework will make life easier for small-scale farmers and provide fresh food in areas that lack full-service grocery stores.
ECOS Board/General Meeting Jan 23, 2017
Join the Environmental Council of Sacramento – ECOS for our first ECOS Board and General Meeting of the year! Help us plan for the new year, welcome our new board members and push forward for a more sustainable Sacramento region!
Everyone who is interested is welcome. Bring a friend! ECOS encourages participation from members of marginalized communities, including women, youth, people of color, those who identify as LGBTQIA, people have migrated from another country and people who live with disabilities.
Note: this meeting was moved from January 16th in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Board Meeting of the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS)
Reception 5:30 pm / Meeting 6:00 pm | Monday, January 23rd, 2017
SEIU Local 1000, 1325 S Street, Sacramento CA 95811 (Training Room)
5:30 – RECEPTION: Please come and meet and socialize with ECOS Board Members and guests. Light appetizers and refreshments served. Feel free to bring something to share.
1. Greetings & Introductions
2. Approval of November 2016 Minutes and approval of January 2017 Agenda (5 minutes)
3. Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream (20 minutes)
4. ECOS Officer Elections (5 minutes)
5. New member org: AARP (5 minutes)
6. Orientation/Refresher for Board Members (30 minutes)
a. Transportation, Air Quality and Climate Change (TAQCC) Committee
b. Land Use Committee
c. Habitat 2020 Committee
d. Organizational Development Committee
7. Treasurer’s Report (10 minutes)
Earl Withycombe, Treasurer
8. Adoption of 2017 Annual Budget (5 minutes)
9. President’s Report
Brandon Rose (5 minutes)
10. Issues of interest from Members and/or Member Organizations
11. Announcements
Meeting Agenda here (PDF):
Saturday: ChangeFest and Woman’s March at the State Capitol
Saturday, January 21st, 2017 at the State Capitol – attend ChangeFest and the Women’s March!
Click here to learn more about ChangeFest.
Click here to learn more about the Women’s March.
Obama moves to speed up Delta tunnels project
By Dale Kasler and Ryan Sabalow
January 4, 2016
The Sacramento Bee
The Obama administration acted Wednesday to speed up federal environmental reviews on California’s controversial Delta tunnels project, saying the project is needed “to help address the effects of drought and climate change on California’s water supply and imperiled wildlife.”
With barely two weeks left before President Barack Obama leaves office, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell issued an order directing agency officials to complete a preliminary environmental review sometime this month. However, a final review wouldn’t occur until April, when President-elect Donald Trump occupies the White House.
Read more here:
ECOS has officially opposed this project because of the enormous deleterious environmental impacts in our region. Read our concerns here:
Sabalow, Dale Kasler and Ryan. “Obama moves to speed up Delta tunnels project.” Sacbee. Sacramento Bee, 4 Jan. 2017. Web. 04 Jan. 2017.