Unmet Transit Needs

Whether you ride daily, occasionally or haven’t tried transit yet, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments is looking for feedback on our area’s bus, dial-a-ride, paratransit and light rail transit services. SACOG accepts transit needs related comments from any area in the counties of Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba.

What are your thoughts on local transit service? Would you like to use it for more trips, but don’t because of issues like where it goes, the schedule or cost? Are there places you really need to go but cannot currently? Please give us your thoughts by attending an Unmet Transit Needs meeting or by relaying your comments to SACOG.

The California State Transportation Development Act (TDA) requires the Unmet Transit Needs Process be conducted annually by Regional Transportation Planning Agencies. SACOG is the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for the counties of Sacramento, Yuba, Sutter and Yolo. SACOG staff conducts the Unmet Transit Needs process annually for these four counties. The TDA requires that SACOG make a determination whether there are “unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet” in the jurisdictions throughout the four counties. The Unmet Transit Needs meetings are scheduled to begin in October.

What is an Unmet Transit Need?

Unmet Transit Needs are defined as Existing transit services or service variants, including services where transfers may be necessary to complete a trip, that are not adequately meeting the identified transportation needs of residents of the SACOG four-county Regional Transportation Planning Area (Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties) who are likely to use public transportation. This includes, but is not limited to: trips for education and training (excluding exclusive school bus transportation), employment, healthcare services, personal business, recreation, and social services.

What is a “Reasonable to Meet” Transit Need?

SACOG adopted a “Reasonable to Meet” standard based on several criteria that analyze how accommodating that transit need will affect the rest of the transit system that it relates to. If it passes the criteria then it is found reasonable to meet and pending the availability of TDA funds changes will be made to accommodate the need.

Note: To arrange for language translation or sign language interpreters for deaf persons, please call (916) 321-9000 or TDD access (916) 321-9550 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Meetings are accessible to disabled persons.

Public Meeting Dates for FY 2015–16 Unmet Transit Needs

Wednesday, November 4, 2015, 2:00 PM
Galt City Council Chambers
380 Civic Drive
Galt, CA
Note: Spanish language translation will be provided.

Thursday, November 5, 2015, 2:00 PM
North Highlands Community Center
6040 Watt Avenue
North Highlands, CA

Monday, November 9, 2015, 10:00 AM
Sacramento Regional Transit District Auditorium
1400 29th Street
Sacramento, CA

Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 2:00 PM
Yuba County Government Center
915 8th Street
Marysville, CA

Monday, October 12, 2015, 4:00 PM
Yolo County Transportation District
350 Industrial Way
Woodland, CA

TBD, January TBD, 2016, 9:30 AM
SACOG Board Room
1415 L Street, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA

Options if you prefer to send or phone in comments

Please be as specific as possible on time and location for any transit need(s) you believe are unmet:


Sacramento Area Council of Governments
Attn: Unmet Transit Needs
1415 L Street, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95814



(916) 340-6275
TDD access (916) 321-9550


(916) 321-9551

Delta Tunnels Plan Violates Clean Water Act

Delta Tunnels Plan Violates Clean Water Act
Conservation, farm, fishing, and tribal groups alert regulators

Sacramento, CA – The Federal and State agencies responsible for issuing permits before any construction of the Delta Tunnels Project can begin, have been alerted that (as proposed) the project will violate federal law.

A 15-page letter outlines multiple violations of the federal Clean Water Act if the project is built and operated as described in the EIR/EIS, under public review until October 30, 2015.

Read more here.

Environmentalist of the Year Awards 2015

Invalid Displayed Gallery

We enjoyed a memorable and inspiring evening with so many of our friends, colleagues and allies at the 42nd Annual Environmentalist of the Year awards on Tuesday, October 13th, 2015! We are grateful for everyone’s participation and the community’s outpouring of support. Congratulations to all of the awardees: the Sacramento Urban Agriculture Coalition in Environmental Justice, Dana Gray for Artist Recognition, Veronica Beaty of the Sacramento Housing Alliance in Housing Advocacy, Michael O’Sullivan of the Sacramento Natural Foods Coop as Volunteer of the Year and Environmentalist of the Year Richard Guerrero of SEIU Local 1000! Photos by ECOS Board Member Anny Huang.