On September 28th, 2015, ECOS formally took a position of opposition against the Delta tunnels. We are especially concerned with the potential effects on the Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge south of Sacramento. To learn more about the proposed massive underground water export tunnels now called the “California Water Fix” please visit the Restore the Delta blog. On a media teleconference on September 29th, 2015, academics and Delta experts who are reading through the (now 48,000 page) Environmental Impact Report, shared what they have discovered about Jerry Brown’s controversial tunnels project.
Monthly Archives: September 2015
Join us for our 9/28 Board meeting!
Monday, September 28th, 2015
5pm Reception/6pm Meeting
SEIU Local 1000, 1325 S Street, Sacramento CA (large training room)
You are also welcome to the reception from 5:30pm – 6:00pm with light refreshments and music prior to the meeting. Please fell free to bring a snack or a bottle of wine to share.
Tom Gohring, Executive Director of the Water Forum, will present to us about current status of the Modified Flow Management Standard (FMS) for the American River. After 15 years of development, this model for the improved flow-release operations of the river to protect biological resource and region water supplies is poised to move forward for authorization and implementation. ECOS is a signatory of the Water Forum Agreement that sanctioned the development of the FMS, and will be asked in the near future to vote for giving the Water Forum authority to move forward with the modified FMS as is currently proposed.
Dan Bacher with the California Water Impact Network will present to us about the current status of the ‘Bay Delta Conservation Plan’ and outline a call to action.
In addition, ECOS Committees will report on their activities. Announcements are welcome at the end. Everyone who is interested in learning more about ECOS, our member organizations, and how to get more involved locally is welcome to attend!
View the agenda here.
Construction Begins On New Bridge Between Capitol Mall And Old Sac
September 7, 2015
Capital Public Radio
Cranes have already moved some of the large metal forms for concrete next to the freeway. The new bridge will connect Capitol Mall in Sacramento with 2nd Street in Old Sacramento.
Read more here.