A lot of people in Sacramento are buzzing about the latest push for an Urban Agriculture ordinance. We at ECOS want to make sure you are fully informed about the need for an ordinance, and what you can do to help.
For updates, a template letter of support, adding your name to the petition and more, please visit the website of the Sacramento Urban Agriculture Coalition on www.sacurbanag.org.
“The California drought, the state’s worst on record, has taken a terrible toll on those already-diminished winter Chinook salmon runs.
It’s not just that there isn’t enough water; there’s not enough cold water, especially after competing interests such as urban areas and big agriculture—each equipped with more political muscle than wild salmon advocates have—take their share. In 2014, the percentage of baby salmon that survived to head downstream was the worst that fishery officials had ever seen. In a normal year, about 25 percent of the eggs produce baby salmon healthy enough to migrate downstream; last year, with only 5 percent surviving their infancy in the unusually warm water, nearly the whole winter run was wiped out.
That’s why hatchery workers tripled the fish in the truck-lift this month.”
“Community gardens have been around for years, but this proposed city ordinance would allow gardeners to set up shop here or right in front of their homes to sell what they grow.
‘I do this to raise good clean food and I’m trying to make a living out of it,’ said Paul Trudeau, who grows food.”